The Beyond Pain Podcast
Struggling with pain? Does it affect your workouts, golf game, plans for your next half marathon? Join The Joe's, two physical therapists, as they discuss navigating and overcoming pain so you can move beyond it and get back to the activities you love most. Whether you're recovering from an injury, dealing with chronic pain, or want to reduce the likelihood of injury tune into The Beyond Pain podcast for pain education, mobility, self-care tips, and stories of those who have been in your shoes before and their journey beyond pain.
The Beyond Pain Podcast
Episode 26: Understanding Mobility and Flexibility
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In this episode of the Beyond Pain podcast, hosts Joe Gambino and Joe LaVacca discuss the differences between mobility and flexibility, how to evaluate the success of rehabilitation, and the importance of personal goals in physical therapy. They share personal updates, including Gambino's recent fatherhood, and LaVacca's travels to Slovenia. The conversation delves into how to program stretching and mobility work for clients, emphasizing the need for individualized approaches based on each person's unique anatomy and goals. The episode concludes with a call for listener feedback on the topic.
Everyone has goals when they seek treatment.
Pain can take a long time to resolve even with good treatment.
Mobility is how you move actively, while flexibility is passive.
Stretching can be programmed if there is a tissue limitation.
Guarding can block flexibility and needs to be addressed.
Progress can be measured in terms of activity levels, not just pain relief.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to movement.
Understanding anatomy is crucial for effective rehabilitation.
Client feedback is valuable for refining treatment approaches.
Future discussions on mobility and flexibility will be welcomed.