The Beyond Pain Podcast

Episode 8: Building A Bigger Bucket

June 12, 2024 Par Four Performance Episode 8

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In this episode, Joe Gambino and Joe LaVacca discuss how to help someone tolerate more stress and build resilience in their body. They emphasize the importance of desensitizing the system and reducing pain to allow for more stress tolerance. They also discuss the concept of the 'bucket analogy,' where the body can only tolerate a certain amount of stress before it overflows. 

They highlight the role of trust, patience, and problem-solving in helping clients who have struggled with pain for a long time. They also emphasize the importance of being a guide and facilitator rather than a fixer.

1. Desensitizing the system and reducing pain are important for building stress tolerance and resilience in the body.
2. The 'bucket analogy' helps explain how the body can only tolerate a certain amount of stress before it overflows.
3. Trust, patience, and problem-solving are key qualities in helping clients who have struggled with pain for a long time.
4. Being a guide and facilitator, rather than a fixer, is important in the client-provider relationship.
5. Building trust and confidence in the client's own body is crucial for long-term progress and resilience.